Saturday, November 27, 2021

Rania Matar - research

 Rania Matar Research

The links in the assignment and on the blog no longer work as Rania is still updating her website. I tried to locate the articles on the internet and failed, so instead I emailed her lunchtime yesterday and by 2pm she'd replied! Here's what she says about shooting the image you need to research and study and explain in terms of the criteria above...

Thanks so much for your email and for your interest in my work. When I updated my website, it was a huge undertaking as my web designer built it from scratch and she is (very) slowly adding the old press. I just sent her a reminder after reading your email. I cannot find that article easily so I will answer your questions:

Film stock - I usually use Portra 400 film - I did however shoot A Girl and Her Room with a digital camera as I was walking into all sorts of lighting conditions and it gave me more flexibility. Most of the work on my website is shot with film. 

Lens focal lengths: Only one lens - 35 mm (sometimes if needed a 28mm) but my lens of choice is the 35mm or equivalent when using Medium Format. 

Camera: For GAHR only: Nikon D700 - most of my work Mamiya 7II with a 65mm lens and recently sometimes since Covid as no one was developing film.... a Fujifilm 50R GRX with a 45mm. 

Whether you used additional lighting: no all natural available light.

Main light source: natural

Whether you use a tripod: no

Whether use reflectors: no

I use very little equipment. I like to keep it simple and move my body as needed. I also like to keep the shoot intimate so I feel the less I am encumbered with equipment the better it is. 

I hope that helps! Thanks again!

All my best, Rania

All you have to do is research these materials and equipment and explain where they fit in with her technique. Why does she use them, why do they suit the theme 'Girl and her room' e.g. why are they fit for purpose? What is Rania Matar's intention. 

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