Going forwards from now, on you can adopt an easier way of producing your artist research. The important thing is that you research the right things. In your assignment brief, in the criteria boxes you'll find the criteria that relates to the research. For this unit it demands that you do the following...
Therefore, it is possible to produce the research for each of the artists in as little as one column if you use 9 point text. As previously advised try and use images to show the equipment, materials, techniques and processes used. You're not limited to one column, so if you feel it needs to be more - perhaps you find loads of useful images, by all means use two columns or more.
Look at the layout of this example here to see how you might do this.
- Materials - Look for any evidence of whether it's film or digital or something else? Why do they choose one over the other? A lot of the time this is historic e.g. the images were shot before digital e.g. around 1993. Is the film B&W or colour - what kind of film is it, what ISO is it and what do these differences make? (This is where your general knowledge on Photography is important along with your willingness to learn independently e.g. look on line and learn about films and ISO and the impact they have on how the image looks). What papers are the image printed on - do this via the auction website as directed and taught in the lessons "Sold at auction".
- Techniques - This relates to how the images are shot and made. For instance were the images shot hand-held, or shot on a tripod? Is the style informal or formal, what is the style - fly on the wall, candid, structured, orchestrated and planned? Is the view-point relevant - is it from above or below or at same eye-level? Is 35mm, Medium format or large format - why, how does this impact on the images?
- Process - Is the work planned and organised with the help of the models or is it real-life documentary, what might be involved in getting these image together? Does the photographer say that the work is printed by them or do you know/think the work is commercially printed? (Generally if the photographer prints their own work they'll mention it). Does the process involve any interesting techniques itself? How is the work used - what's it's purpose - is it mainly art to be sold as individual pieces or is it commissioned work?
- Equipment - What camera or equipment is used?
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