Sunday, November 29, 2020

Film processing times.

 Film processing times for Rodinal (R09).

The exact details for HC 110 are to be found here on the Kodak website

Ilfosol 3______________________________

35mm film

If you're using Ilfosol 3. The ratio required is 1:9. Therefore if you're using 35mm format film mix 

270ml of water with 30ml of Ilfosol 3 and this'll give you a working solution at 20 degrees Centigrade. Then simply look up the required time for your film on

120 (Medium format film) 

If you're using Ilfosol 3. The ratio required is 1:9. Therefore if you're using medium format film mix 

450ml of water with 50ml of Ilfosol 3 and this'll give you a working solution at 20 degrees Centigrade. Then simply look up the required time for your film on

Delta 100  is 5 mins. 

Delta 400 is 7 mins

FP4 is 4 mins and 15 sec's

Tri - x 400 7 mins and 30 sec's

TMAX 400 6 mins

HP5 + 6 mins 30 sec's

TMAX 100  See below. *Note digital truth recommend using the film at 80 iso rather than 100 iso then processing at 5 mins for the 1;9 ratio. 

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